Celebration of Scholarships 2016

University-Wide Event Celebrates Scholarship Donors and Recipients

The University held its seventh annual Celebration of Scholarships on April 9 at Oak Hill Country Club, recognizing nearly 200 alumni, parents, faculty, and friends who support scholarships, and the talented students who benefit from their remarkable generosity. The University-wide reception provided an opportunity for donors and their student recipients to meet. It also offered students an occasion to personally thank their supporters, and share how their scholarships are helping them achieve academic and career goals.

overhead photo of the scholarships dinner 2016

Donors from across the country joined their scholarship recipients and University leadership to celebrate the power of scholarships.

Joel Seligman, president, CEO, and G. Robert Witmer, Jr. University Professor, and deans and leadership from across the University attended the event. Jane ’67 and Larry Cohen ’66, co-chair of the Scholarships Initiative for The Meliora Challenge: The Campaign for the University of Rochester, welcomed guests before giving remarks. They established the Lawrence J. Cohen ’66 and Jane Zimelis Cohen ’67 Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship Fund in 2006 to provide financial support to undergraduate students in Arts, Sciences & Engineering. Passionate about supporting students and making a difference in the lives of current and future students, Jane and Larry shared the importance of scholarships and the need for increasing scholarship support at the University.

Student speaker Nichole Roxas ’18M, recipient of the Class of 1961 SMD Scholarship, spoke about how scholarships are making her education at the School of Medicine and Dentistry possible, as well as helping her learn how to influence social institutions to combat inequality. In thanking supporters of her scholarship, including Dr. Hechmat ’61M (MD) ’64M (Res) and Marjorie Tabechian ’60W, and Drs. Robert ’61M (MD), ’69M (Res) and Elethea Caldwell ’73M (Res), Nichole expressed how scholarships are tangible examples of positive social change, balancing out inequities to give everyone the same opportunity for a good life and to affect positive change. The program concluded with remarks by President Seligman, who articulated the critical role that scholarships play in higher education.

Scholarship support is among the highest priorities of The Meliora Challenge. Scholarships help Rochester attract high-performing students, shape a diverse learning community, and educate society’s future leaders. They also ensure that every qualified student can afford to attend the University of Rochester, regardless of their financial circumstances.

For more information about endowed scholarships at the University of Rochester, please contact the Office of Stewardship at (585) 273-4645.