Celebration of Scholarships 2015

Donors and Students Celebrate Scholarships at University-Wide Event

Donors from as far away as the Virgin Islands, Texas, Florida, and California joined their scholarship recipients and University leadership to celebrate the power of scholarships.

Marking the sixth annual Celebration of Scholarships event, donors from as far away as California, Florida, Texas, and the Virgin Islands joined their scholarship recipients on Sunday, April 26 in the May Room at Wilson Commons. The University-wide reception recognized the generosity of scholarship donors and provided an opportunity for donors and their student recipients to meet. The event also offered students an occasion to personally thank their supporters, and share how their scholarships were helping them achieve academic and career goals.

Attendees included several University leaders, including President Joel Seligman and deans and leadership from Arts, Sciences & Engineering, Eastman School of Music, the School of Medicine and Dentistry, and the School of Nursing. Trustee Nancy Lieberman ’77, co-chair of the Scholarships Initiative for The Meliora Challenge: The Campaign for the University of Rochester, welcomed guests to the event. In 2002, Lieberman established the Nancy A. Lieberman Scholarship, which is awarded annually to female political science majors with demonstrated financial need.

Elizabeth Leight ’89, who recently established the Leight Foundation Endowed Scholarship to assist undergraduate students majoring in psychology, gave remarks, followed by Rebecca Graham ’10E, ’15N. Graham received the Howard Hanson Scholarship while at the Eastman School of Music and is a current recipient of the McLouth Scholarship at the School of Nursing. She spoke about how scholarships made her education possible, as well as enabled her to pursue her dream to connect with people first through music, and now through her new career aspiration, by giving them medical care as a nurse. The program concluded with remarks by President Seligman.

Scholarship support is among the highest priorities of The Meliora Challenge: The Campaign for the University of Rochester. Scholarships help Rochester attract high-performing students, shape a diverse learning community, and educate society’s future leaders. They also ensure that every qualified student can afford to attend the University of Rochester, regardless of their financial circumstances.

For more information about endowed scholarships at the University of Rochester, please contact the Office of Stewardship at (585) 273-4645.