Student Support

Our students dream big, endeavor boldly, and are never content to settle for the world as it is. They have the ability to bring ever better to life.

Throughout the University of Rochester’s history, we have welcomed students based on their talent and intellectual potential, not their financial resources.

We are committed to making the University a viable option to the exceptional people who want to study here, including many low-income and middle-class students. Providing merit- and need-based financial assistance has always been and always will be a priority.

These outstanding and diverse scholars motivate and inspire each other, as well as the world-class faculty who serve as their mentors. But if we want these students to continue to choose the University of Rochester over peer institutions—that often have greater financial resources—we must strengthen our scholarship funding.

Scholarships provide life-changing opportunity. Increased support will help us attract the very best students and give them the freedom to launch their careers, or pursue further study, unencumbered by debt.

With your help, we can unleash the next generation of artists, scholars, educators, and leaders who will make an impact on the world.

Learn more about our exceptional students at

About PhD Fellowships

Fellowships are PhD students’ equivalent of scholarships. As independent young adults, most PhD students lack parental support or savings with which to launch their careers. Many bring with them substantial debt from undergraduate study. We lose the best graduate applicants to better-funded peer universities when our financial offers, typically including tuition waiver and a cost of living stipend, fail to compete.

Learn more about our Fellowship Programs