Page 1 - Rochester Athletics - Summer 2013
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A Message from the Director of Athletics—George VanderZwaag
It’s been a very busy year for Rochester number we have ever seen in any sport Although the school year is ofcially
Athletics. Our student-athletes have in the same year. And both the men’s over, the positive momentum continues.
performed with distinction on the feld and women’s swim teams won Liberty We’ve recruited highly motivated and
and in the classroom. As examples, our League titles. talented student-athletes who will join
women’s feld hockey team had its best In the spring, men’s golf won the teams next year to build on our success.
season ever; our men’s soccer team UAA championship, and co-captain Nick Our campaign eforts continue, always
continued its tradition of success; and Paladino ’14 was the frst person ever to invigorated by our passion for providing
our men’s cross country team went to win three consecutive individual UAA a stellar environment where students can
the NCAA Division III play-ofs for the titles. Women’s softball won the regular excel academically as well as athletically.
second consecutive year. season Liberty League championship. You may see us in the coming year,
This winter, our men’s basketball Men’s and women’s track excelled, too. We have plans to visit Philadelphia,
team had a great season, winning the setting a number of school records. Boston, Chicago, Washington, Miami,
UAA Championships and getting to the Women’s rowing fnished its season and elsewhere. We are looking forward
NCAA tournament for the second time 14th in the country and won gold at to seeing as many of you as possible and
in three years. Men’s squash fnished #5 the Dad Vail Regatta in Philadelphia, sharing the exciting plans we have for
in the country, and four players were the country’s largest collegiate rowing Rochester Athletics. Thank you for being a
named as All-Americans—the largest event. part of our team. Meliora!