Page 1 - Rochester Athletics - Summer 2014 Newsletter
P. 1
Prince Athletic Complex
Meliora Weekend,
Thursday, October 16, 2014
evation View
A Message from the Director of Athletics—George VanderZwaag
It has been a great year for Rochester the best finish the team has had in 20 multimillion-dollar renovation and
Athletics. Our students continue to years. expansion of our outdoor athletic
excel on and off the field and our • Women’s swimming sent seven facilities. We will dedicate the Prince
recruitment efforts remain strong. athletes to the NCAA champion- Athletic Complex during Meliora
Talented students from across the ships and had seven All Americans. Weekend, October 16–19. The work
country and from outside the United • The women’s track team sent defining the perimeter of the complex
States will join our teams this year. two individuals to the NCAA will be completed by October and we
We experienced significant success championships. will be close to finalizing our plans
over the winter and spring seasons, too At two events over the last few for new locker rooms, training rooms,
• The squash team defeated the months, we honored coaches Jane and equipment spaces inside Fauver
University of Pennsylvania to secure Possee (women’s basketball, lacrosse, Stadium.
a 7th place finish at Nationals. and field hockey) and Pat Stark I will be in Chicago, Los Angeles, and
• The baseball team qualified for the (football) for their longtime service San Diego soon and I hope to see some
Liberty League Championship. to our students. We also recognized of you there or at Meliora Weekend.
• The softball team qualified for the the importance of the endowments Thank you for your support of the
NCAA Championships and advanced established in their names. Friends of Rochester Athletics and for
to the Women’s College World Series Our fundraising efforts overall were making a difference in the lives of our
for the first time in its history. boosted by the generosity of many, students.
• The golf team qualified for NCAA most notably Brian Prince ’86, ’89S
championships and finished 12th— (MBA), whose lead gift supports the Meliora!
Prince Athletic Complex
Meliora Weekend,
Thursday, October 16, 2014
evation View
A Message from the Director of Athletics—George VanderZwaag
It has been a great year for Rochester the best finish the team has had in 20 multimillion-dollar renovation and
Athletics. Our students continue to years. expansion of our outdoor athletic
excel on and off the field and our • Women’s swimming sent seven facilities. We will dedicate the Prince
recruitment efforts remain strong. athletes to the NCAA champion- Athletic Complex during Meliora
Talented students from across the ships and had seven All Americans. Weekend, October 16–19. The work
country and from outside the United • The women’s track team sent defining the perimeter of the complex
States will join our teams this year. two individuals to the NCAA will be completed by October and we
We experienced significant success championships. will be close to finalizing our plans
over the winter and spring seasons, too At two events over the last few for new locker rooms, training rooms,
• The squash team defeated the months, we honored coaches Jane and equipment spaces inside Fauver
University of Pennsylvania to secure Possee (women’s basketball, lacrosse, Stadium.
a 7th place finish at Nationals. and field hockey) and Pat Stark I will be in Chicago, Los Angeles, and
• The baseball team qualified for the (football) for their longtime service San Diego soon and I hope to see some
Liberty League Championship. to our students. We also recognized of you there or at Meliora Weekend.
• The softball team qualified for the the importance of the endowments Thank you for your support of the
NCAA Championships and advanced established in their names. Friends of Rochester Athletics and for
to the Women’s College World Series Our fundraising efforts overall were making a difference in the lives of our
for the first time in its history. boosted by the generosity of many, students.
• The golf team qualified for NCAA most notably Brian Prince ’86, ’89S
championships and finished 12th— (MBA), whose lead gift supports the Meliora!