Impossible Gaze #7
Origin: Room II – Sala del Trono [Throne Room]
Appartamenti Reali
Palazzo Pitti

The presence of the past is tangible in the hallways of what were once municipal buildings and private palaces. The visitor is surrounded in these rooms, with no cornerstone left unadorned, every inch of wall, floor, and ceiling space crammed with decoration – so different from the austerity characterized by post-modern tastes. Curved and triangular pediments cover the doorways, windows, niches, and console tables interrupt the composition of frescoes, while the vaulted ceilings and architectural elements are barely distinguishable from their trompe l'œil replications. The devotional paintings and portraits with recurring putti and flowing robes are in deep gilded frames, surrounded by marble fireplaces and sumptuous tapestries. Heavy drapes once used to retain warmth now serve as a reminder of former daily habitation. Decorative floral swags, acanthus leaves and shells echo the furniture legs, chair backs and armrests, while the heavy drapes once hung to conserve warmth now serve as a reminder of former daily habitation. No longer animated by use, the gilded chairs are covered with polyurethane. Amongst the grandeur, patches of near threadbare wall coverings and frescoes with areas of water damage and lost pigment explicitly communicate the abrading effects of time.

Impossible Gaze Jo-Anne Duggan Invisible Culture, Issue 11