The Center for Study Abroad and the International Services Office have joined with other groups in the College at the University of Rochester to promote International Education Week, Nov. 14 to 18. A range of activities from entertainment to panels on study options after graduation can be found at

Jacqueline Levine, assistant dean and director of study abroad, reports that more than 1,000 international students study each year at the University, and hundreds of University of Rochester students travel to other countries. "The University of Rochester's commitment to international education continues to receive enthusiastic support from students who choose to enhance their education through a broad range of overseas experiences," she says.

Information sessions on international graduate fellowships will be held daily to raise awareness among undergraduates of not only high-profile awards such as Rhodes and Fulbright scholarships, but also equally valuable opportunities as Mitchell, Churchill, and St. Andrews fellows. During the week, panels will spotlight undergraduate and post-graduate opportunities in Poland, scholarships for all international programs, study abroad opportunities for science and engineering majors as well as humanities majors.

New this year is an International Jeopardy! competition sponsored by the International Services Office and a Fireside Chat. Beyond a Web presence, posters on campus will feature daily events.

Discussions on international study and careers are spread throughout the week while the broader University community can enjoy special dining at Douglass Dining Center, or leave campus for the 2005 Polish Film Festival at East Avenue's Little and Dryden theaters, sponsored by the Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies.

The Institute of International Education, together with the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, will officially begin International Education Week on Nov. 14 in Washington, D.C. IIE's annual report on the state of international educational exchange, Open Doors 2005, will be released with data on international academic mobility, U.S. students abroad, and international students and scholars on U.S. campuses. For survey results, go to

The International Round Table, which is a working group chaired by the Center for Study Abroad and the International Services Office that focuses on issues of international education exchange, developed the IEW programs.

For more information, contact Jacqueline Levine at (585) 275-7532 or Stephanie Beetle at University International Relations at (585) 273-2866.