University of Rochester students are rising to the climate challenge during this national week of action to demand solutions that end our addiction to fossil fuels and work toward a clean energy future.

The week of action, organized by the Campus Climate Challenge, includes more than 570 events covering 49 states and eight Canadian provinces.

Grassroots, the College's environmental action and awareness student group, will host a screening of An Inconvenient Truth, the documentary featuring former Vice President Al Gore crossing the country educating Americans about the climate crisis. The movie will be shown at 9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8, in Hoyt auditorium on the University's River Campus. The screening is free and open to the public. Parking is available in University lots.

After the movie, Udo Fehn, professor of earth and environmental sciences, will lead a discussion on the issues raised in the film and representatives from Grassroots will present information about upcoming efforts to advance clean energy policy and practice on campus and in the community.

The Campus Climate Challenge, a project of the Energy Action Coalition, unites young people from college campuses and high schools to promote clean energy policies and practices at their schools. The coalition is a network of 41 organizations from across the United States and Canada, founded and led by youth to help support and strengthen the clean energy movement.

For more information about the Climate Week of Action, visit