National Speakers to Discuss Globalization Impact on Health, Education, Culture, Environment

Covering a wide range of distinct economic, political, and cultural trends, the term "globalization" has quickly become a buzzword in the public arena. That's why nine nationally-known speakers, including educators, authors, activists, and business leaders will convene at the University of Rochester's first-ever Globalization Conference on Monday, March 31, and Tuesday, April 1.

The two-day conference, themed "Globalization and Society: Health, Education, Culture, and the Environment," will benefit students and professionals alike as it focuses on how economic, political, and cultural aspects of globalization affect health, education, culture, and the environment, with the goal of better understanding the processes and consequences of globalization and the intersections between health, energy, and education within a globalizing world.

The conference's keynote address will be delivered by Simon Szreter, author and history professor at St. John's College at the University of Cambridge, at 7 p.m. on March 31. Szreter, who will speak on "Global Economic Growth, Health, and Security—A Troubling History," has written extensively on health and public policy. Three consecutive sessions on health, education, and energy will take place the following day, April 1, between 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and will be followed by a closing discussion with all speakers beginning at 2:45 p.m.

David Hursh, associate professor at the Warner School of Education and a lead organizer of the event along with faculty from the College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering and the School of Medicine, said that the conference aims to bring the University of Rochester community and the Greater Rochester community together to better understand the issues of globalization on health, education, culture, and the environment. "The conference provides a unique opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and community members to examine how globalization impacts their professions or areas of interest," explained Hursh.

The conference is sponsored by the University of Rochester, including the University Committee in Interdisciplinary Studies Cluster on Global Studies, University Committee in Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Sustainability, Warner School of Education, Department of Medical Humanities, Offices of Medical Education, URMC Faculty Development and Medical Education, and University of Rochester President Joel Seligman and Provost Ralph Kuncl.

The two-day conference, which will take place in the University of Rochester Medical Center's Class of 1962 Auditorium, Room G-9425, is free and open to the public. This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. For more information about the conference, visit, or send an e-mail to