Michael Carges, a science teacher at Greece Athena High School, is the recipient of the University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics' 2003 William D. Ryan Inspirational Teacher Award. The $1,000 award is given to a teacher for motivating participants of the Laboratory for Laser Energetics' (LLE) Summer High School Research Program to study in the areas of science, mathematics, or technology. Carges was nominated by former participants of the LLE program Joy Yuan and Siddhartha Ghosh.

For the past 13 years, LLE has run a summer research program for high school juniors. These exceptional students have been inspired in the areas of science and technology by their parents and by outstanding teachers. The alumni of this program were asked to nominate those teachers who have inspired them.

"The knowledge he imparts to his students sets him apart from many other teachers I have had in the past," said Ghosh. "Mr. Carges strives to inspire those around him in many ways. He instruction in class was truly one of the most exemplary models I have encountered in high school."

Yuan adds: "It takes a special kind of person to be a superior teacher. This person must have a passion for teaching and demonstrate dedication toward his job as the molder of our minds. He must have a thorough understanding of the material and knowledge. Mr. Carges was able to translate to his students what physicists have spent centuries doing."

For more information on the award or the High School Research Program, contact Prof. Riccardo Betti at (585)-275-5479.