University of Rochester students are spearheading "The Safe Zone Campaign," a University-wide program intended to provide support for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals and allies. Initiated in Massachusetts, the project has successfully spread to several other campuses in the nation. The program, which is organized by students, faculty, and staff, marks places on campus where individuals can talk openly about both academic and personal issues.

Safe Zone volunteers are provided with program orientation and training, a resource booklet, and a card to place in their office signaling that they are available for conversation. While the idea focuses on letting students know they can feel comfortable talking about problems, volunteers will not provide counseling. Rather, they will have the information to direct individuals to the proper resources.

For those who are interested in volunteering for the Safe Zone, information sessions will be held the week of Feb. 14 on the River Campus and the week of Feb. 21 on the Eastman Campus. For more information, contact the Safe Zone at, or look for the group's web site at