DATE, TIME, AND PLACE: August 27, 11:30 a.m. in the theater at The Strong's National Museum of Play, One Manhattan Square, Rochester N.Y.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The original graduation scheduled earlier this month was rescheduled due to rain.

WHAT: A graduation for young moms who completed three successful years in the Building Healthy Children program. The ceremony includes one participant speaking about how BHC helped her and her family. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the families will enjoy the museum.

BACKGROUND: Located at the University of Rochester's Mt. Hope Family Center, Building Healthy Children is an innovative community collaboration addressing the needs of low-income, high-risk young mothers and their children.

Monroe County has one of the higher rates of teen pregnancy in New York State and teen families face increased risks for child abuse, neglect, emotional difficulties, behavioral problems, and ultimately foster care placements.

The Building Healthy Children program brings together Strong Pediatrics' medical talent and the Society for Protection and Care of Children's expertise in social work with Mt. Hope Family Center's evidence-based clinical therapy. Through a comprehensive approach, physicians, social workers and psychologists reach out to young mothers with evidence-based support. They provide parenting education, parent-child attachment and maternal depression therapy, along with food, housing and transportation for three to five years. The Monroe County Department of Human Services and United Way of Greater Rochester fund BHC.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Jody Todd Manly 585.406.7383 (cell)