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Instructional Technology Tools

coggle logo

Coggle - an application for concept mapping, a technique to represent knowledge graphically, a network of linked ideas or concepts.

Can be used for generating ideas, designing complex structures, communicating complex ideas, aiding learning by explicitly integrating new and old knowledge, assessing understanding or diagnosing misunderstanding


Pixton logo

Pixton - a web tool for creating comic strips

Note: Comics can be downloaded as PNG files and used in your course.


PuzzleMaker - a puzzle generation tool for instructors to create customized word searched, criss-crosses, math puzzles and more

timetoast logo

 Timetoast- a free digital timeline tool where users can create, share, embed and collaborate on interactive, visually engaging timelines that integrate audio, video, images, text, links, social media, locations and timestamps

Note: free account allows you to create two new timelines


Panopto - A tool used to record lecture materials. You can easily record Powerpoint slides or your Desktop applications with voiceover to provide lecture materials in your online course. Panopto is licensed by the University.


Explain Everything - An easy-to-use design tool that lets you annotate, animate, and narrate explanations and presentations. You can create dynamic interactive lessons, activities, assessments, and tutorials using Explain Everything's flexible and integrated design. 

Recordings from Explain Everything can also be incorporated into Panopto for playback. See the Panopto web site for details.

For iPad ($2.99)

 Flash Card machine

Flash Card Machine - Create Flash Cards for your students to use to study



Prezi - Create online presentations; a web-based alternative to Powerpoint

Note: This service is free when used to create public presentations.


Capture - Screenshot and Screencast software

Note:Free Capture screencast is limited to 5 minutes

Pow-Toon logo

PowToon - Animated presentations

Free account includes limited styles, limited tunes, watermark, and a maximum length of 5 minutes.

Kahoot! logo

Kahoot! is an online quiz tool

padlet logo

Padlet is an online bulletin board or canvas.

Free version limits the number of padlets available to you; however faculty and staff can become part of the University of Rochester account. More information.