University of Rochester

Books and Recordings

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Books and Recordings is a compilation of recent publications by University alumni, faculty, and staff. For inclusion in an upcoming issue, send the work’s title, publisher information, author, and author’s class year, along with a brief description, to Books and Recordings, Rochester Review, 147 Wallis Hall, P. O. Box 270033, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0033; e-mail:


Internet Surf and Turf Revealed: The Essential Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Finding Media
By Marsha L. Baum ’79 and Barbara Waxer
Thomson Course Technology, 2005

Baum, a professor of law at the University of New Mexico, helps guide students through copyright laws, the fair-use doctrine, and other issues in the Internet age.

The Quality Solution
Edited by David B. Nash ’81M (MD) and Neil I. Goldfarb
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006

Nash, the Dr. Raymond C. and Doris N. Grandon Professor of Health Policy at Thomas Jefferson University, gathers essays from more than 30 health care professionals across the country who analyze ways to improve health care.

My Eye of the Apple: An Epistolary Reflection
By Arlene Cohen Stein ’57E, ’70E (MM)
S.I.M.A. Publishers, 2006

Drawn from a collection of more than 450 letters written between 1953 and 1957, Stein presents a picture of her life at the Eastman School.

My Mother Was a Computer
By N. Katherine Hayles ’77 (PhD)
University of Chicago Press, 2005

Hayles, a professor of English at UCLA, explores the relationships between computer programming codes and human language and how those relationships have affected creative, technological, and artistic practices.

Strengthening the Heartbeat: Leading and Learning Together in Schools
By Thomas J. Sergiovanni ’66W (EdD)
Jossey-Bass, 2004

Sergiovanni, the Lillian Radford Distinguished Professor of Education at Trinity University, outlines principles to help schools build a culture of leadership and learning.

My 15 Minutes
By Sara Faith Alterman ’01
Avon Trade, 2005

The debut novel chronicles the story of 24-year-old Julie Jormano, a waitress turned “insta-lebrity.”

Bach in Berlin
By Celia Applegate
Cornell University Press, 2005

In a book subtitled “Nation and Culture in Mendelssohn’s Revival of the St. Matthew Passion,” Applegate, associate professor of history, explores music’s cultural place in German identity after Felix Mendelssohn’s rediscovery of Bach’s masterpiece in 1829.

Dead Roots
By Nancy J. Cohen ’70N
Kensington Publishing, 2005

Marla Shore, the hairstylist with a knack for solving murder mysteries, continues her investigations in Cohen’s series of “Bad Hair Day Mysteries.”

Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy
By Amy L. Lansky ’77
R. L. Ranch Press, 2003

Lansky, a computer scientist who earned a doctorate from Stanford University, describes the philosophy and history of homeopathic medicine as she recounts her work as a homeopath in treating her son’s autism. The book also has been published in a German translation by Random House Germany (2005).

The Rise of the Rogue Executive
By Leonard R. Sayles ’46 and Cynthia J. Smith
Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006

Sayles, professor emeritus of management at Columbia University, explores the causes behind corporate corruption and the kinds of leadership needed to correct it.

Happiness in a Storm: Facing Illness and Embracing Life as a Healthy Survivor
By Wendy Schlessel Harpham ’80M (MD)
W. W. Norton, 2005

Harpham, an internist and long-term cancer survivor, offers pragmatic advice about getting care and finding happiness when dealing with illness or injury.

The Trauma Spectrum: Hidden Wounds and Human Resiliency
By Robert C. Scaer ’59, ’63M (MD)
W. W. Norton, 2005

In his second book, Scaer, a retired associate clinical professor of neurology at the University of Colorado, explores the relationships between the mind and the body in responding to the experience of trauma.

The Last Album: Eyes from the Ashes of Auschwitz-Birkenau
By Ann Weiss ’71
Jewish Publication Society of America, 2005

Weiss, the founder and director of the Eyes from the Ashes Educational Foundation, updates and expands on her groundbreaking 2001 book, a collection of rare personal photographs confiscated from Jewish families sent to the infamous Nazi death camp.

Handbook of Moral Development
Edited by Judith G. Smetana and Melanie Killen
Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 2005

Coedited by Smetana, a professor in the Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, the book gathers research and theories on how children develop a sense of right and wrong.

Robert Henri: The Painted Spirit
By Valerie Ann Leeds ’79
Gerald Peters Gallery, 2005

The Henri scholar analyzes the figurative work of the influential American artist. The book accompanies a New York gallery exhibition that draws major paintings from noted public and private collections.

Flights of Seraphs: A Biography of Lucifer
By Colleen Clements ’81 (PhD)
BookSurge Publishing, 2005

Clements, an adjunct associate professor of psychiatry at the University, uses ancient texts from the past two centuries to imagine the life of Christianity’s infamous fallen angel.

Letters I Never Mailed: Clues to a Life
By Alec Wilder
University of Rochester Press, 2005

The new, annotated edition of Wilder’s 1975 collection of “unsent letters” includes an introduction and supplementary material by David Demsey ’90E (DMA), foreword by jazz pianist Marian McPartland, and photographs by longtime Eastman chronicler Louis Ouzer.

Making Literacy Real: Theories and Practices for Learning and Teaching
By Joanne Larson and Jackie Marsh
Sage Publications, 2005

Larson, an associate professor and chair of teaching, curriculum, and change at the Warner School, and Marsh explore literacy as a social practice.

Literature, Literacy, and Comprehension Strategies in the Elementary School
By Joy F. Moss ’69W (Mas)
NCTE, 2005

Moss, an adjunct faculty member at the Warner School, outlines a program designed to help students develop long-term connections with literature.


In Sunlight: Pieces for Madeleine Mitchell
By Madeleine Mitchell ’81E (MM)
NMC Recordings, 2005

The noted violinist plays works written for her by well-known British composers.

Sacred Songs
By Renée Fleming ’83E (MM)
Decca, 2005

The CD features religious music sung by Fleming with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Andreas Delfs.

Guitarra de Cristal
By Anton Machleder ’01E (DMA)
La Tapa Recordings, 2005

Guitarist Machleder, an assistant professor of music at Houghton College, plays music of 20th-century Cuban composers.

Howard Hanson: Bold Island Suite; Symphony No. 2 “Romantic”; Suite from Merry Mount
By the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
Telarc, 2005

The orchestra, under the direction of Erich Kunzel, presents the first recording of the late Hanson’s Bold Island Suite. The music of the former director of the Eastman School (1924–1964) was also collected on Howard Hanson Conducts Howard Hanson (Philips, 2005), a four-CD set featuring Hanson’s “Living Presence” recordings for the Mercury label.

Eastman Folk Sing
By the Eastman Community Music School
Eastman Community Music School, 2006

The CD features Eastman Community Music School teachers, including pianist Howard Spindler ’81E (Mas), piano department chair, voice teachers Cecile Saine ’72E and Derrick Smith ’88E (MM), and guitarist Petar Kodzas ’99E (DMA). Adam Foley ’97E, ’02E (MM), the coordinator of the school’s music theory program, and former teacher Naomi Foley ’99E sing and play recorder.

Stories from the Grandparents
By John ’60E, ’61E (MM) and Alyne Galm
Isle of View Music, 2005

The CD features music and stories for children drawn from the tradition of the Wolof people that the Galms learned in Senegal. The two also released Stories from the Godmother Tree, which features longer stories for all ages.