





Honor board – #honorOURnurses

Tracy Scofield-Smith

I actually look forward to getting my allergy shots once a month so that I can see and catch up with Tracy. She cares so much for her patients—not just allergies but their overall health—and she is always smiling!

-Victoria Sloan

Erin Muller

Erin made my most recent MOHS surgery very easy. She was kind, gentle, and easy to engage in conversation with. She made what can be a stressful experience into a stress free procedure.

-David A. Virgilio

Sara Bachmann

Sara is my wife and I have been with her since she first started nursing school. She has been a great nurse and reliable trooper for the University of Rochester for seven years now. I just wanted to give her a shout out since it would mean a lot to her. I love you honey, keep up the good work!

-John Boyle

Kayla Rissew

Kayla, as you could’ve guessed, is my wife and she started working with Strong Andrew years back. I can say without a doubt that she’s such a hard worker who cares about her patients more than I can explain. She treats everyone like a family member and never gives up. With the pandemic, the last two years life has been tough for the both of us. Kayla keeps us moving in the right direction while providing the best care to her patients and working phenomenally with her co-workers. Love you Hunny!

-Jordan Rissew

Sarah Presby

I’m very proud of the work you do and take great pride telling everyone where you work and the kind of patients you treat! Your nurturing spirit shows through in all you do. Cheers to you and thank you for making a difference to so many families!

-Brian Norton

Cheryl Turner

Best nurse navigator! She caught my labs and got me in immediately!!!

-Lawrence VerWeire

Debbie Fracassi

Debbie is very dedicated to her nurses and the University. She wants to offer the best educational opportunities so we have the best nurses at URMC. I’m proud to know Debbie and appreciated her daily dedication.

-Julie Piccirillo

Deb Horst

Deb is my team lead as well as a mentor and a great friend. She was my first clinical preceptor in graduate school. She is patient, kind, and dedicated to her patients and her staff. I am so grateful for her guidance. She has set me on a truly awesome career path.

-Andrea Kulp

Patty Hall

Patty is an incredible nurse and leader who truly cares about our community and rolls up her sleeves every day to help people. Her dedication to educating pediatric patients is amazing!

-Nancy Zawacki

Mary Madsen

Mary has been our nurse manager at University Health Services for the last several years, and is now our associate director for clinical operations/nursing. She is an asset to UHS! Mary is always supportive of her nurses and the MOA staff. She is caring; she gets things done; and she is a leader. She has been EXTREMELY instrumental to the department’s response to COVID and keeping our students safe. I enjoy working with her every day!

-Michelle Livingston

Abby Zornow

Abby was in nursing school when the pandemic hit. Despite the horrible news of what was happening in hospitals and the burnout that healthcare workers were facing every day, this only strengthened her resolve to become a nurse. She joined Strong’s Emergency Department last year and though she has had to deal with a lot, she brings her best every day and keeps her patients’ best interests forefront in her mind. I hope she inspires other young women and men to become nurses because we need more people like Abby.

-Leslie Zornow

Suzanne Ritter

Suzy is a great coworker, team player, and bedside RN. We work on a hospice unit and she helps care for her patients in the highest order. She advocates for her patients and educates families extremely well. Every shift worked with her goes quickly because of her team approach.

-Susan Heffer

Mari Ramos

Mari is such a caring and knowledgeable nurse. While working with Mari, I was always comfortable going to her to ask for help. She was always willing to jump in to help our team wherever she could.

-Vanessa Mace

Mary Grace Meloni (Marren)

Mary Grace demonstrates all the qualities in a nurse that I admire. She is compassionate and caring, and has stepped up during these challenging times. She works full time for Strong and picks up extra shifts at Highland, often caring for those with COVID-19. Following in her late mother’s footsteps, she makes both her parents proud every day!

-Stephen Meloni

Namrta Chahal

Since becoming our new nurse manager, Namrta has brought much needed joy and light into our department. She is always quick to help in any way she can from covering screening to assisting our nursing team with patients. Everyone quickly saw how wonderful she was and we would not be able to shine without her! I look forward to seeing how our department will grow with you.

-Cory Livne

Cassie Adams

Cassie loves her profession and despite having two young children and a busy home life, she is dedicated to her patients and her field.

-Katie Krenzer

Clinical Nurses at SMH

I have never met a group of dedicated and caring individuals like the SMH Clinical Nursing team. Their commitment to providing compassionate care, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, and unwavering support for each other are simply unmatched.

-Valerie Donnelly

Dee Dee Rutigliano

Dee Dee is a staunch supporter of her team of nurses and an amazing nurse educator.

-Andrea Allen

Psychiatry nurses

I worked with some of the most amazing nurses throughout the psychiatry department for the four years I worked inpatient. Everyone who works in psychiatry has been the most amazing people and the most caring for patients and fellow staff! Psych nurses don’t get enough praise (or pay) for the work that they do for their patients!

-Marisa Hilt

Highland Hospital ICU nurses

I will never forget the unbelievable care and compassion that the nurses and APPs provided to my family member during hospitalization in the ICU a few years ago. The group of nurses was diverse and close-knit with varied experience levels that made my family member comfortable. I will be eternally grateful for the care these nurses provided. Today, this family member is doing well because of their care.

-Caitlin L. Smith