
The links below are for Rochester staff, faculty and instructors who are looking to book a non-course related event, like a conference, panel discussion, or guest speaker.

Staff, faculty and instructors should contact the Office of the Registrar to book course-related activities like review sessions, common exams, additional classes, and recitations.

Student organizations should contact Wilson Commons Student Activities Office to book a classroom for an event.

Capacity 15 to 30

Wegmans 100515
Wegmans 100915
Bausch & Lomb Hall 315 25
Dewey Hall 4-16220
Goergen Hall 10224
Goergen Hall 11020
Harkness Hall 11430
Hylan Building 10530
Hylan Building 20330
Hylan Building 20620
Hylan Building 30315
Hylan Building 30525
Hylan Building 30620
Hylan Building 30715
Lattimore Hall 41320
Lattimore Hall 43120
Meliora Hall 20622
Meliora Hall 20920
Meliora Hall 21825
Meliora Hall 21925
Meliora Hall 22430
Rush Rhees Library (IT Center) G108 16
Rush Rhees Library (IT Center) G108A16
Todd Union 20224

Capacity 31 to 50 

Bausch & Lomb Hall 270 35
Bausch & Lomb Hall 26935
Dewey Hall 2-110D45
Dewey Hall 2-110E45
Gavett Hall 30148
Gavett Hall 31048
Gavett Hall 31248
Goergen Hall 10950
Harkness Hall 21040
Hutchison Hall 13835
Hutchison Hall 47348
Hylan Building 10140
Hylan Building 10240
Hylan Building 20150
Hylan Building 20250
Lattimore Hall 21045
Meliora Hall 20535
Morey Hall 20535
Morey Hall 50140
Morey Hall 50240
Morey Hall 50440
Morey Hall 52548
Wilmot Building 11640

Capacity 51 to 100

Computer Studies Building 209 85
Dewey Hall 2-162100
Harkness Hall 11590
Meliora Hall 22186
Goergen Hall 10866
Gavett Hall 20275
Bausch & Lomb Hall 10680

Capacity 101+

Bausch & Lomb Hall 109 140
Dewey Hall 1-101165
Wegmans 1400160
Goergen Hall 101142
Hoyt Hall Hoyt Auditorium 300
Hutchison Hall Lander Auditorium (140) 148
Hutchison Hall Hubbell Auditorium (141) 480
Lattimore Hall 201134
Meliora Hall 203125
Morey Hall 321125
Strong Auditorium Lower Strong Auditorium 400

Other River Campus Classrooms

To reserve a classroom in LeChase Hall, contact the Warner School at