2024 Daily Challenges
Getting Started
Welcome to the 21-Day Equity Challenge, a collaboration between the University of Rochester (UR), the United Way, and the UR Association for Minority Residents and Fellows (AMRF). Thank you for making the time to learn, act, and reflect in this Challenge to develop a deeper understanding of racism and equity barriers in our community.
Why an equity challenge? This is an opportunity for all of us to learn and grow together while building a habit of gaining a deeper understanding for equity. When change starts within each of us, we can make progress toward becoming an equitable community for all.
Whether you signed up directly, received this email from a colleague, or were enrolled in the Challenge by your employer, we’re happy to have you participate with us. Together we will deepen our awareness of and willingness to confront racism, bias, and other social inequities.
What to Expect
The Challenge begins Monday, February 5, 2024 and for the following 21 days (including weekends), you will receive an email to help you explore, develop deeper interpersonal understandings, build a stronger awareness, and be offered opportunities to take action.
There are several ways to embrace and interact with the challenge, including:
- LEARN – Read through the daily content provided
- ACT – Watch, listen, or read additional information or join opportunities to contribute to equity in our community
- REFLECT – Think and process through questions that are offered each day for self-reflection
- CONNECT – Talk with colleagues, family, and friends about what you are experiencing
We recognize information shared during the challenge may be emotionally and intellectually challenging to engage with, especially for people who have experienced racism and oppression. We understand and encourage you to take a break from the Challenge, whenever you may need and return when you are ready.
If you have any questions, please email equityandinclusion@rochester.edu.
Daily Challenges
Day 1: Rochester History and Redlining
Day 2: Microaggressions
Day 3: Implicit Bias
Day 4: Privilege
Day 5: Anti-Racism
Day 6: Belonging
Day 7: Neurodiversity
Day 8: Structural Racism
Day 9: Intersectionality
Day 10: Gender Affirming Language
Day 11: Cultural Observances and Religious Holidays
Day 12: The Generational Gap in the Workplace
Day 13: Pay Equity and the Wealth Gap
Day 14: The War on Drugs
Day 15: Incarceration and Racism
Day 16: Race-Based Medicine
Day 17: Racial Trauma
Day 18: Black Maternal Health
Day 19: Affirmative Action and DEI
Day 20: DEI Burnout