Student Enrollment Diversity Dashboard
Criteria: Full-time and part-time students are included. BERN students, wealth management, peer auditors, visiting students, and intercollegiate registrants are excluded.
The “Division” filter allows users to select and view only undergraduate, graduate, or medical students.
Non-resident Alien (NRA) includes people who are not a citizen or national of the United States and who are in this country on a visa or temporary basis and do not have the right to remain indefinitely.
Details about the data
The University recognizes that there are many critical dimensions of diversity, and these charts only depict gender and race/ethnicity. Other dimensions of diversity data are not currently captured in our Human Resources system and are not required to report to the federal government. The definitions of gender and race/ethnicity in the dashboards above are determined by federal reporting agencies.
This information is prepared by the Office for Faculty Development and Diversity, Human Resources, Institutional Research, and University IT, and will be updated each fall.