Bias-Related Incident Reporting
What is a Bias-Related Incident?
A Bias-Related Incident is characterized as a behavior or act—verbal, written or physical—which is personally directed against or targets an individual or group based on perceived or actual characteristics such as race, color, religious belief, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, disability, veteran status, or age.
Behavior reflecting bias may constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct or our Meliora Vision & Values. If you are curious about sexual misconduct policies and reporting on campus, visit the Sexual Misconduct page.
What are some examples of Bias-Related Incidents?
Examples of bias-related incidents may be signified in act(s) of intolerance, such as:
- Defacement and vandalism
- Racial epithets written on someone’s dry-erase board
- Posting or commenting on social media related to someone’s identity in a bias matter
- Racially themed parties
- Using a racial, ethnic, or other slur in a joke or to identify someone
- Threats, destruction of personal property, harassment, or threatening telephone calls or electronic mail
- Ridiculing a person’s language or accent
- Insulting a person’s traditional manner of dress
- Hate messages and symbols
- Language and imagery objectifying women
- Other subtle (and extreme) examples of bias incidents
The University of Rochester strongly encourages the reporting of all bias-related incidents that occur on campus.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can report incidents of bias?
Any member of our university community can report on bias-related incidents.
Can I report anonymously?
Yes! Bias-Related Incident reports are completely anonymous unless you want to be contacted to follow up on the incident. In that case, please provide your name and email address for follow up.
If you would like to remain anonymous, you can provide a non-UR email address so that we can still follow-up with you on the incident.
Are all reports confidential?
Depending on the type of incident reported and its possible severity or impact on the safety or well-being of others in the University community, the director of the Paul J. Burgett Intercultural Center is required to forward reports of illegal activity, discrimination or sexual misconduct to the appropriate University department. As an example, any reports of sexual misconduct will be forwarded to the Title IX Coordinator.
What is the role of the Bias-Related Incident Executive Team?
The Bias-Related Incident Executive Team plays a vital educational role in fostering an inclusive campus climate and supporting individuals when bias incidents occur. When it is determined that the incident has the potential to disrupt the campus community in a significant way, the Bias-Related Incident Executive Team will be responsible for making an immediate determination about the incident, reach out to others (if needed) and formulate a response (when appropriate).
Who are the Bias-Related Incident Executive Team members?
The Bias-Related Incident Executive Team may include any number of the following as well as other members of the campus community, depending on the reported incident:
- Dean of the College
- Dean of Students
- Dean for Diversity
- Assistant Dean and Director, Minority Student Affairs
- Director, Paul J. Burgett Intercultural Center