Fiona Apple's rise to fame began in 1996 with the release of her album Tidal and continues today with the release of her new album When the Pawn. Now the Rochester community has a chance to listen to the singer perform hits from this album as well as from her previous album when she arrives at the Eastman Theatre on Saturday, Feb. 26, at 8 p.m as one stop on her 19-city national tour.

Apple's When the Pawn has been on Billboard's Top 100 chart since November 1999. Critics have had nothing but positive comments about the album. "The album, with expanded sounds textures and strings, should smash any notion of a sophomore jinx," notes The Boston Globe. Rolling Stone states that, "When the Pawn is richer, deeper and stronger then Tidal in every way...a far more muscular approach to both the songs and the singing." Finally, People says, "Apple's sharp songwriting, gorgeous vocals, spare atmospheric piano and drum-driven production makes her sophomore work a beauty."

Tickets will be on sale for the public on Thursday, Jan. 27, at the Record Archive stores on Mt. Hope and East Avenues, and at the Common Market in Wilson Commons on the University of Rochester River Campus. Admission is $20 for students and $25 for the public.

The concert is sponsored by UR Concerts. For additional information contact the Wilson Commons Information Desk at (585) 275-5911.