Efforts to reduce energy consumption and pollution at the University of Rochester have been recognized with a gold medal from the Environmental Protection Agency.

A participant in the EPA's Green Lights program, the University took top honors during this summer's Green Lights Summer Games by submitting new lighting upgrade reports on more than 50 percent of building space.

The University is in the final stages of a massive lighting retrofit/energy conservation project. Older lamps and ballasts have been retrofitted with new T-8 energy-efficient lamps, electronic ballasts, compact fluorescent lamps and occupancy sensors.

Some 9 million kilowatt hours and over $660,000 are being saved every year as a result of the project. The bottom line isn't the only area to benefit: Lighting quality has improved as well. New units provide more uniform lighting and better color rendition.

NORESCO, an energy services company based in Boston, is performing the upgrade under the direction of University Facilities.

Of more than 100 participants in the competition, 13 received gold medals. University representatives will receive the medal during New York ceremonies in September.

The Green Lights Program, launched by the EPA in 1991, includes approximately 2,100 corporations and institutions that have agreed to upgrade their facilities with energy-efficient lighting.