Scott Nuernberger, a University of Rochester Take Five Scholar from Chaffee, N.Y., has been honored as student employee of the year for New York State and the Northeast. He was one of three runners-up for the recent National Student Employee of the Year Award.

As an information analyst in the Department of Psychiatry at the University's Medical Center, Nuernberger is responsible for extensive and original computer programming; coordinating several research projects, including his own project; working with seriously ill patients; and training other students in research procedures. For two years, he has worked with Steven Silverstein, assistant professor of psychiatry, on a grant examining electrophysiological correlates of perceptual deficits in schizophrenia.

"Scott has a seemingly infinite ability to solve mathematical and computer programming-related issues," Silverstein said in a letter nominating Nuernberger. "In addition to programming, Scott has been a thoroughly reliable employee in every respect," said Silverstein. "I cannot think of a greater contribution that could be made by an undergraduate student."

Nuernberger, who is majoring in brain and cognitive science, and statistics, will enter a doctoral program in statistical science at Cornell University in the fall.

Nominations for the award were solicited on campus by the student employment office, one of the services of The Career Center, to recognize outstanding student employees. The competition is sponsored by the National Association of Student Employment Administrators. Nuernberger has received $250 in savings bonds, a gift certificate from University Computer Sales, and ceremonial plaques.

The winners were announced during Student Employment Week April 4 to 10.