Douglas Hodgson, an assistant professor of economics at the University of Rochester, has won a four-year grant from the National Science Foundation. The foundation's Faculty Early Career Development awards single out young professors with promising research.

Hodgson, who holds a Ph.D. from Yale University, has been teaching at Rochester for two years. His research involves new techniques for efficiently estimating statistical models in finance and macroeconomics.

Among the 350 career development grants awarded by the NSF recently, Hodgson's is the only one given in the field of economics. The total amount of the grant is $200,000.

Nearly 2,000 young researchers apply each year for the NSF grants for eligible faculty members. Four other young faculty members from the University of Rochester also have claimed NSF grants for 1997.

Besides Hodgson, Rochester's other 1997 winners were assistant professors Adam Frank in physics and astronomy; Sandhya Dwarkadas and Mitsu Ogihara in computer science; and David Albonesi in electrical engineering.