Grassroots, a student environmental group at the University of Rochester, is sponsoring a day of activities in honor of Earth Day from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, April 25. The celebration, which will include music, speakers, vendors, and information tables, will take place outside Wilson Commons on the River Campus.

Local and campus bands will provide entertainment throughout the day. Speakers will discuss environmental work in the old growth forests of the Northwest and the control and clean up of industrial pollution in Mexico.

Information tables linking eco-concerns with other important global issues will also be set up by various campus and community groups, including representatives from the local chapter of the Sierra Club. Grassroots will display its projects over the past year, including the creation of a more comprehensive recycling plan on campus, a campus-wide plan to get students to conserve energy, and a recycling awareness program for incoming freshmen. There will also be a ceremonial tree planting in honor of Earth Day.

All events are free and open to the public. For more information, call (585) 275-5911.