David Dussault of Livonia High School has received the 2001 William D. Ryan Inspirational Teacher Award from the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) at the University of Rochester. Each year a teacher is honored for encouraging a student in the LLE's Summer High School Research Program to study science, mathematics or technology.

Dussault, a mathematics and computer science teacher, was nominated by Michael Harvey, a participant in LLE's 1999 summer program. Harvey, a student majoring in electrical engineering and computer science with a minor in economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, credits Dussault with preparing him well for college. He writes of his former teacher, "His approach to teaching is unique. He challenges students to work at their own pace and learn on their own." He also writes, "Even more impressive to me than Mr. D's wisdom in preparing me for college is his love for pure education. Mr. Dussault finds a way to get his message across to every type of student."

Scott Bischoping, principal of Livonia High School, also had many words of high praise for Dussault. He said he has been continually impressed with Dussault's contributions to both the math and computer science departments. Two accomplishments that stood out in his mind were the success of a curriculum Dussault developed that allows students to earn college math credits, as well as his dedicated leadership to the school's math team in state and local competitions.

The award, which includes a $1,000 prize, will be presented at the High School Summer Research Program Symposium that will be held at LLE on Aug. 29.

For the past 11 years, LLE has run a summer research program for high school juniors. These exceptional students have been inspired in the areas of science and technology by their parents and by outstanding teachers. The alumni of this program were asked to nominate those teachers who have inspired them. For more information on the award please contact Riccardo Betti at (585) 275-8586.