Music theorist Arthur Samplaski will weave several hundred years of music history into an entertaining talk for the annual dinner of the Friends of the University of Rochester Libraries at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 12, at the Chatterbox Club in Rochester.

Samplaski has delighted listeners on radio and television by stringing together significant musical passages and making them digestible for general audiences. A former faculty member at Ithaca College, Samplaski received a doctoral degree in music theory from Indiana University in 2000.

The annual Friends event provides an opportunity for the group to present outstanding service awards to library staff, honor a library supporter with the prestigious Metzdorf Prize, and name the recipients of this year's grants.

The dinner at 25 N. Goodman St. is open to the public. Tickets must be purchased in advance. For more information, contact (585) 275-4461.