Scientists from many backgrounds are coming together to explore the ways we may be able to enhance our vision-from understanding the roots of common problems such as near-sightedness or myopia, to using lasers to sculpt the cornea itself. The Center for Visual Science (CVS) at the University of Rochester, the top center in the world for the complete study of vision from the cornea to the brain, is hosting the 23rd CVS Symposium from June 13 to 15.

"Engineering the Eye" is the topic of this year's symposium. Scientists will present research findings such as how blood vessels in a damaged retina may be repaired, different ways to restore vision to people whose lenses can no longer focus, and ultra-precise methods of imaging the eye to facilitate more precise laser surgery.

"The field of optical engineering has developed a number of exciting new technologies that are now being brought to bear on the problems of improving vision and eye care," says David Williams, director of CVS. "This meeting will bring together many of the world's experts in this area to share their vision for the future."

CVS is among the largest research centers dedicated to the study of visual perception in the world. It consists of more than 25 laboratories where researchers study all aspects of vision, from its earliest stages, such as the encoding of patterns of light by neurons in the retina, to the interaction between visual perception and memory. The center's diverse researchers are drawn from the departments of computer science, neurobiology and anatomy, brain and cognitive sciences, neurology, ophthalmology, and optics at the University.

The event is open to the public, though pre-registration is required. The registration fee of $200 includes meals and all receptions. Graduate and postdoctoral students from any school, and faculty, staff and students from the University of Rochester will be admitted at no charge. The full schedule of events can be viewed at