Randall Curren, associate professor of education and of philosophy at the University of Rochester, has been named co-editor of Theory and Research in Education, a new journal of educational philosophy and theory.

The first issue is scheduled to appear in March 2003 from Sage Publications, an international academic publisher based in Great Britain.

"Our goal is to bring together in one journal the best work in educational ethics, politics, and policy," said Curren. "Currently, these articles are scattered among different kinds of journals, including law reviews and journals on education, political science, and philosophy. We want to reach across all these areas and pull together work in the field of educational philosophy."

Theory and Research in Education will be published three times a year. Curren will co-edit the journal with Harry Brighouse, professor of philosophy at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. The two are in the early stages of building the journal, assembling an editorial review board, and soliciting papers for the first several issues.

Two University of Rochester faculty will serve on the editorial board of Theory and Research in Education: Tyll van Geel, the Earl B. Taylor Professor and chair of the educational leadership program in the Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development; and Robert Westbrook, professor of history.

Curren has a dual appointment in the philosophy department, where he teaches philosophy of law, ancient philosophy, political philosophy, and ethics, and in the Warner School, where he teaches education ethics, critical thinking, and philosophy of education.

Curren is the author of Aristotle on the Necessity of Public Education and editor of Blackwell Publishers' Companion to the Philosophy of Education, to be published later this year. He is currently working on a book, Philosophy of Education, for Prentice-Hall's Foundations of Philosophy series.