The University of Rochester has received $100,000 from the Charles E. Culpeper Foundation to strengthen programs in environmental sciences by adding a new faculty position. The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences will look for someone with a particular interest in global change.

Since the University introduced majors that focus on the environment just two years ago, the growth has been remarkable. More than 50 students are enrolled in either the environmental science major or the environmental studies major. The environmental science major has become the second most popular major in the natural sciences.

"With the addition of a faculty position, we will be able to offer more courses, advise more students, and supervise more seniors doing environmental research projects," said Prof. Udo Fehn, who helped create the environmental majors.

"All private institutions of higher education are feeling budgetary constraints," said Richard Aslin, dean of the College of Arts and Science. "But the generous grant from the Culpeper Foundation will support a new faculty position for two years, and the University will commit permanent support after that. The grant lets us round out our program now in the area of global change, a critical feature of any comprehensive study of the environment."

Located in Stamford, CT, the Charles E. Culpeper Foundation supports programs in health, education, arts and culture, and administration of justice. Environmental studies is a special interest of the Foundation within the field of education.
