The Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development will present a lecture by Warner School alumnus Warren Crichlow, associate professor on the faculty of education at York University, Toronto, at 7:30 p.m. March 29. His talk, "Role Models, Heroes and the Inconsolability of Teaching Education," is the 1999 Scandling Lecture presented by the Warner School.

Crichlow is co-editor of Race, Identity And Representation in Education, and "Toni Morrison and the Curriculum," a special issue of the Cultural Studies Journal. Crichlow received his doctorate in education from the Warner School in 1992.

The Scandling Lecture Series brings to campus noted researchers, policy makers, and professional educators. The series is funded by William Scandling of Atherton, Calif., in memory of his late first wife Margaret Warner Scandling, Class of 1944.

For more information, call Laura Brophy at (585) 275-2308.