Three local teens have earned recognition in the prestigious Intel Science Talent Search for research projects they carried out last summer at the University of Rochester's Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE). It was announced today that Siddhartha Ghosh and Joy Yuan, both of Pittsford-Mendon High School, and Phoebe Rounds of Irondequoit High School are among the 300 semifinalists nationwide chosen from the 1,600 who entered the competition, which is often regarded as a "Junior Nobel Prize."

In recognition of their scientific achievements, each student will receive $1,000, and each school will receive $1,000 to support their science and math programs. The students, all seniors, will learn on Jan. 29 whether they will be included among the 40 finalists chosen to attend the Science Talent Institute in Washington, D.C., in March to compete for college scholarships totaling over $500,000.

Ghosh carried out experimental work on improving high-speed X-ray streak cameras, instruments used to diagnose fusion experiments carried out on the 60-beam Omega laser at LLE, currently the world's most powerful laser of its type. Yuan performed computer simulations of a new type of laser amplifier that will be needed for a new, super-powerful petawatt laser being designed at LLE, and Rounds designed a new frequency conversion system that has the potential to create smoother laser beams.

LLE's primary mission is to study the conditions necessary to create and sustain fusion using the Omega laser. Involving young adults in state-of-the-art science, however, is another important goal that LLE's scientists and engineers take very seriously.

"Our program provides a unique educational opportunity for talented high-school students. They're amazingly motivated, and it's exciting to see them recognized as among the best in the nation," said Stephen Craxton, LLE physicist and high-school program director. Students working at the laboratory have made up the large majority of Rochester-area Intel semifinalists honored during the past decade.

Applications for LLE's summer program are sent to area high schools in February or can be obtained directly by calling Jean Steve at 275-9517. For more information about the program itself, please contact Craxton at 275-5467.