A one-day program for school counselors on the impact of the changing family will be held Jan. 28 at the University of Rochester. "The Changing Family: Impact on School Counselors, Schools and the Community" will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Wilson Commons on the River Campus.

The day begins with an hour-long networking opportunity for counselors, followed by professional development institutes in the morning and workshops in the afternoon. The institutes will address proactive approaches to helping parents raise elementary and middle school age children, the impact of collaboration between home and school, and incorporating family spiritual traditions into interventions. Experts will present afternoon workshops on neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood, the growth of non-traditional families, the need for boundaries in counseling and family relationships, and the impact of domestic violence on children.

Monroe County Court Judge William H. Bristol will give an address following lunch. Bristol, known for his work on behalf of crime victims, has received recognition for his creation of an alternative sentencing program and is a tireless community activist. He is a member of a variety of boards, including the Girl Scouts of the Genesee Valley Inc. and the Urban League of Rochester Inc. He is a graduate of the University of Rochester and Vanderbilt School of Law.

The event is presented by the University of Rochester Office of Professional Development in the Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, along with many community sponsors. Registration must be completed by mail prior to Jan. 16. The cost is $39. For more information, contact the Warner School at (716) 275-8270 or (716) 275-7833.