Women have always worked---outside the home, inside the home, or both. What is women's work, and how is it valued on the spreadsheet of life? How are shifting economic paradigms defining and affecting women's work? And what impact will women's increasing influence, from taking charge of their own investments to donating to political campaigns, have on problems like development and the environment?

National leaders in women's business and economic issues will discuss "Women's Work in the 21st Century Economy" during the annual Elizabeth Cady Stanton/Susan B. Anthony Conversations on Contemporary Issues Thursday, Oct. 28, at the Memorial Art Gallery.

The Conversations, which were started by the Susan B. Anthony University Center of the University of Rochester in 1995, are a public forum that echo the talks between suffragists Stanton and Anthony. They include a discussion among guest panelists and an opportunity for audience members to pose questions and make comments.

The panel discussion, which starts at 6:30 p.m., includes:

Moderator Sherrye Henry. Henry is assistant administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration's Office of Women's Business Ownership. She's also an Emmy Award-winning broadcaster and was active in environmental and family causes on Long Island, where she was a candidate for the State Senate.

Diane Elson. Special advisor to the executive director of the United Nations Development Fund for Women, Elson is known internationally for her work on gender bias in macroeconmics. She was a dean at Manchester University (UK), where she helped establish the Institute for Labour Studies. She has been a consultant to international organizations such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Barbara Krumsiek. Krumsiek is president of Calvert Group Ltd., a mutual fund firm known for its leadership in socially responsible and fixed income investment management. She has been active in arts and health organizations and in organizations working on women's issues.

Anne Preston. An associate professor of economics at Haverford College, Preston has researched and written extensively on many topics, especially the economic behavior and resources of non-profit organizations and the careers of women in science and engineering.

Ethel Long-Scott. Long-Scott is executive director of the Women's Economic Agenda Project, a non-profit run by and for low-income women in Oakland, Calif. The Center provides leadership and computer training to help women develop marketable job skills. Long-Scott was named Outstanding Woman of the Year in Justice and was inducted into the Women's Hall of Fame for Alameda County for her work.

"The Conversations are a point of inspiration for activity and advocacy," said Nora Bredes, director of the Susan B. Anthony Center. "We will be inviting local corporate and government leaders not only to attend -- they're the ones who will have to make the changes to solve the problems -- but also to become involved in the Center's on-going work to improve women's status."

The public forum will also include presentation of the Center's Valued Colleague Award, given to a woman or a man who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the work of the center.

The evening begins with a buffet at 5:15 p.m. and concludes with a reception following the Conversations. There is a cost of $30 for the buffet; admission to the Conversations and reception is free, but reservations for all events are required.

Major contributors to the Stanton/Anthony Conversations include: Sage Rutty & Co. Inc., Greater Rochester Area Branch of the American Association of University Women, Association of Women in Communications, Chase Manhattan Bank, Greater Rochester Metro Chamber of Commerce, Rochester Institute of Technology, M. Spurrier Financial Services, Saphar Associates Inc., and City newspaper.

For additional information and reservations, call the University Center at (585) 275-8799.