That computer system: It pipes in Chester and Gopher, course-registration information, grant-writing data, transfer and course-registration information, grant-writing data, transfer and promotion opportunities, and an official home page that acts as a doorway to various information sources on the Internet, using graphics and interactive devices. Said system is available to anyone at the University with access to a computer on the network, including publicly available ones at various locations throughout the University.


The official mission of said system: To deliver electronic information about the University, to provide members of the University community with a framework for publishing their information electronically, and to link the University community to resources on the Internet.

With all that in mind, do you have an idea of what to call that system, officially referred to as the Campus-Wide Information System?

Submit the best name and win: Your picture on the University of Rochester's home page for everyone on the Internet to see, a University of Rochester sweatshirt from the Barnes and Noble Bookstore, dinner for two at the Rochester Club Restaurant, and two tickets to the Little Theatre.

The winner will be chosen by committee, and will be judged on such criteria as originality, creativity, and appropriateness. The winning name will be used to professionally design a logo for the system, and will be featured on the University's home page, as well as on signs and other printed matter about the Campus- Wide Information System.

The contest is open to faculty, staff, and students from the River Campus (including the Simon and Warner schools) the Medical Center, the Eastman School, and the Memorial Art Gallery. To enter, simply send an idea, along with name, address, and telephone number, via e-mail to Or send it by inter-departmental mail to Contest, Room 22, Administration Building. (Entries will not be taken over the telephone.)

The contest ends May 1. The winner will be announced in a May issue of Currents.

The contest is sponsored by The University of Rochester Libraries, the Computing Center, The Office of Public Relations, and a variety of volunteers from departments across the University.