A chili lunch to raise money for Alternative Spring Break programs will be held Friday, Feb. 21, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Hirst Lounge of Wilson Commons on the University of Rochester's River Campus.

Proceeds from the fundraiser will help pay for transportation, housing, and food expenses for students participating in Alternative Spring Break. Sponsored by the Community Service Network, ASB offers students the opportunity to learn and to serve others during their break from classes.

This spring, students will be traveling to New Mexico to help victims of domestic violence; Michigan to work on a nonviolence project; Florida to build houses for Habitat for Humanity; rural West Virginia to contribute to the operation of a self-sustaining farm; and Maryland to work in an urban neighborhood.

Tickets are $6 and can be purchased in advance at the Common Market in Wilson Commons. For more information, contact Marie Lewis at (585) 275-2195.