A two-day conference at the University of Rochester this summer will seek to help prepare Catholic educators for the demands of the 21st century.

The University's Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development will host the Institute on Catholic Education July 7 and 8. This is the fifth such summer institute; this year's edition, titled "Voicing the Vision," will assess the state of Catholic education and evaluate prospects for the future. Speakers will provide an update on the work of the 1991 National Congress on Catholic Schools for the 21st Century, discuss technological and sociological changes, and provide an opportunity for discussion of the evolving relationship of the priest with the Catholic school.

"The focus this summer will be on enhancing adaptation to technological and sociological developments in bringing the vision for the future to reality," said Edwardine Weaver of the Warner School. "A major portion of the conference will work on moral development of students and ethical considerations, as well as developing leadership for a Catholic school climate."

The institute is designed for teachers, school administrators, pastors, board and committee members, parents, and others who have an interest in shaping the direction of Catholic schools.

Featured speakers will include Robert J. Kealey, Ed.D., executive director of the Elementary School Department of the National Catholic Educational Association, and Sister Mary Peter Traviss, Ph.D., director of the Institute for Catholic Educational Leadership at the University of San Francisco.

The registration fee until June 10 is $145; after June 10, the fee is $165. Group discounts are available. Housing will be available for an additional fee. For more information, contact Edwardine Weaver at (585) 275-7833 or 275-8270, 403 Lattimore Hall, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. 14627.
