For those whose lives are touched by and committed to Catholic education, a two-day summer institute at the University of Rochester will develop important issues that deal with keeping Catholic schools vibrant in the 21st century.

Teachers, administrators, clergy, parents, youth ministers, and others who work in the field are invited to participate in the 11th annual Institute on Catholic Education on Monday, July 10, and Tuesday, July 11, sponsored by the University's Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Using interactive lectures, small group discussions, activities, and social conversation, this year's institute, titled "Catholic Formation: Many Paths, One Way," will delve into such topics as enhancing Catholic leadership, preparing students for an ecumenical world, and the value of spirituality for those committed to Catholic education.

Main speakers at the institute will be the Rev. James T. Mulligan, an educator and writer in Ontario, Canada, who is Faith Formation Animator for the Niagara Catholic District School Board, and Elinor R. Ford, the first woman appointed superintendent of schools in the Archdiocese of New York. She also founded the first national organization for parents of students in Catholic schools. Those addresses will be complemented by small group sessions led by educators from the Rochester and Syracuse areas.

A registration fee of $175 ($190 after June 23) is required and includes all materials, luncheons, and refreshments for the daylong programs. Group rates and housing options are available. To register or for more information, contact the Warner School's Office of Professional Development at (585) 275-7833 or (585) 275-8270.