These days, the Rochester area is blessed with nearly full employment, according to the latest figures. [The jobless rate was at or below 4% for the last quarter of 1995, the rate economists consider to mean virtually full employment.]

But the pursuit of job happiness continues in all seasons: Who among us doesn't think about the next promotion, or about landing a more congenial work assignment?

"Power networking," as University of Rochester students are learning, can open doors, lead to making friends in high places, and improve one's chances of getting a plum job. At a two-hour "Power Networking" workshop at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28 in the May Room of Wilson Commons, students will get the lowdown on dealing with such typically sticky issues as these:

How to get past secretaries whose job it is to screen you out

What kind of message to leave on phonemail

How to make a totally cold call

How to ask for names of other contacts

When to bring out the resume

A similar program given last year was showcased as a "Best Practices" example at a national gathering in Pittsburgh of the Middle Atlantic Placement Association and Midwest College Placement Association.

At this year's program, students will learn ground rules for networking, and how to develop an agenda, establish rapport, and prepare questions for the interview.

They will practice meet-and-greet techniques with representatives of such organizations as Eastman Kodak Co., Xerox Corp., Bausch & Lomb, Chase Manhattan Bank, the United Way, Urban League, Nixon, Hargrave, Devans & Doyle, City and County government and area schools.

The program begins with a networking exercise led by Ellen Bevan, Ph.D., of the University's Center for Work and Career Development. Next, a moderator and panelists will tell students about their own networking successes and failures:


Robert Colon, associate, Phillips, Lytle, Hitchcock, Blaine & Huber


Diane Garcia-Prichard, research scientist, Eastman Kodak

Nicole Haynes, math teacher, Nathaniel Rochester Community School

Carrie Miller, director, health promotions and marketing, Lakeside Memorial Hospital

Clayton Osborne, director, diversity and work environment, Bausch & Lomb

Harriet Washington, editor, columnist and author

In addition, 16 other facilitators will be on hand to meet students and offer advice about effective networking. Nearly all the panelists and facilitators are alumni of the University, and most are minorities.

The event is sponsored by the Center for Work and Career Development and the Office of Minority Student Affairs.
