The enchanting world of King Arthur's Camelot, once confined solely to books, has broken onto the Internet in a very big way.

The Camelot Project web site, sponsored by the University of Rochester Robbins Library and developed by its curator, Alan Lupack, has been awarded a "Top 5% of the Web" listing by Point rating service, the best known and most respected Web evaluation team on the Internet.

The Point service reviews a broad spectrum of sites and describes itself as "a free service which rates and reviews only the best, sharpest, and funniest home pages on the World Wide Web. Our ratings and reviews have been featured on CNN and in many publications around the world."

As a comprehensive database of Arthurian research materials, the Camelot Project offers visitors a wide array of texts, illustrations, and other resources. It includes electronic versions of Arthurian legends, a bibliography of travel guides to Arthur's Britain, and a character listing that allows the user to research such famed Arthurian figures as Sir Gawain, Queen Guinevere, and the gallant Sir Lancelot.

More than 120 illustrations and more than 90 texts are available at the site, and new material is added every week. Many of the site's illustrations and paintings of Arthurian subjects are taken from books published at the turn of the century. Featured are such works as Dan Beard's drawings for Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, numerous illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley, and a rare set of 12 tiles by John Moyr Smith, illustrating Idylls of the King.

The Camelot Project's "Top 5%" rating will bring it permanent listing, along with its review, at the Point site ( and a link from the Point site. It can also be accessed directly at camelot/cphome.htm.
