Caroline Walker Bynum, a renowned scholar of medieval history, will give a lecture titled "Miracles and Marvels: How 'Other' was the Middle Ages?" at 2 p.m., Friday, Oct. 15, in the Gamble Room of Rush Rhees Library on the University of Rochester River Campus.

Bynum is Schapiro Professor of History at Columbia University and the author most recently of Jesus as a Mother and Holy Feast and Holy Fast. She has taught all aspects of medieval history, ranging from the political, military, social, economic, religious, and intellectual. She was a John D. and Catherine MacArthur Fellow from 1986-91 and was the 1996 president of the American Historical Association.

This event is free and open to the public and is part of the Helen Ann Robbins Medieval Lecture Series, an annual event that brings leading scholars in medieval studies to the University. This series is sponsored by the Rossell Hope Robbins Library for Middle English and medieval studies.