Getting to know the members of your community over a nice meal is a social grace that may be disappearing in today's world.

But University of Rochester students and their 19th Ward neighbors have found a way to keep this tradition alive. Since 1994, members of the 19th Ward Community Association have invited students for dinner to share the warmth of their homes and their urban lives. The University has reciprocated each year with a brunch for members of the 19th Ward Community Association and the host families.

The seventh annual Bridge Brunch will be held from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Sunday, April 22, in Danforth Dining Center on the University's River Campus. The menu for the brunch will include a choice of lunch entrees, as well as scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, sliced fruit, and assorted pastries.

As part of efforts to promote community relations between University students and their neighbors, this year's brunch will be followed by an open house at the new Community Learning Center (CLC). CLC, which is located on the River Campus at the end of the footbridge that spans the Genesee River, stands as yet another symbol of the University's connection to the neighboring community. The open house will introduce members of the 19th Ward to this new community-focused resource and will explore new opportunities and contacts for University students with their nearest neighbors. In commemoration of the event and Earth Day, CLC members will plant daffodils around the center with the help of children attending the brunch.

For more information about the Bridge Brunch and the CLC open house, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (585) 275-4085.