Projects by five students who have researched topics from chivalry to gender relations in Hollywood films have earned them Barth-Crapsey Undergraduate Research Awards.

The students and their projects are:

Joel Helfrich, a senior from Pittsford, N.Y., majoring in history and medieval British culture and medievalism, is exploring a study of chivalry and the Boy Scouts, advised by Richard Kaeuper, professor of history. Rachel Rains, a senior from Belmont, Calif., majoring in history and political science, is examining 1930s political film in the United States, advised by Joan Shelley Rubin, professor of history. Tracie Rubeck, a senior from Eden, N.Y., majoring in biology and history, is focusing on gender relations in the films of Preston Sturges, advised by Robert Westbrook, professor of history.

Also, Lien Tran, a senior from San Antonio, Texas, majoring in economics and health and society, is working on an international comparison of health care policy for the Asian ethnic minority, advised by Nancy Perkins, assistant professor of political science. Clinton Young, a senior from Philomath, Ore., majoring in history and Spanish, is researching the musical politics of the Third Reich and Stalinist Russia, advised by Celia Applegate, associate professor of history.

The awards, given out twice a year, allocate up to $600 per winner for the acquisition of books and documents, research-related travel, and other research expenses. Recipients will present their work at 2 p.m. May 4 in the Commons Room of the Interfaith Chapel on the River Campus.

The purpose of the Barth-Crapsey awards is to promote high-quality primary research by undergraduates in humanities and social science, particularly government, politics, political history, social and religious history, and literature. They are funded by Rochester resident Arthur Crapsey, and his late wife, class of 1940 alumna Jean Barth-Crapsey. For those wishing to honor her service to the University and the city of Rochester, her family welcomes contributions to the Barth-Crapsey Endowment in her memory.