Mohammed A. Bamyeh, associate professor at the Gallatin School of New York University, will lecture on postnationalism at 3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3, in the Welles- Brown Room in Rush Rhees Library on the River Campus at the University of Rochester. This event is the second in a series of lectures on European studies sponsored by the University's modern language and cultures department and is free and open to the public.

The talk is drawn from Bamyeh's book The Ends of Globalization. Feeling that nationalism is "by far the most destructive ideology ever experienced by humanity," Bamyeh will explore the emergence of postnationalism as a development away from nationalism and will take up the questions of what can follow: the presence of a new imperialism as well as possibilities for new solidarities.

Bamyeh, who teaches transcultural processes, political theory and historical sociology, is a visiting scholar at the University. He has published a wide variety of essays in such publications as Socialtext, The Canadian Journal of Sociology, and Criterios. He also wrote The Social Origins of Islam: Mind, Economy, Discourse.

For more information contact the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at (585) 275-4253.

PLEASE NOTE: The time and date of the lecture have been changed from the press release dated Oct. 20. It will now take place at 3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3.