A career program for student athletes to show them the value of sports connections when searching for a job will be held Saturday, Feb. 26, on the University of Rochester's River Campus.

About 20 former athletes from the University will make presentations and meet informally with dozens of men and women who are athletes on the University's football, basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis and other varsity teams, which are part of the University Athletic Association. Returning athletes include Eric Black, a football player from the Class of 1991 who is an attorney with Nixon Peabody LLP, a Rochester firm; Tyler Zachem, a New York investment banker from the Class of 1988 who played basketball; and Keri Claiborne, a management consultant in Chicago from the Class of 1995 who competed in three sports during her college years.

"The feedback we receive from our alumni is that what they learned by being part of a team as undergraduates carries over to their professional lives," says George VanderZwaag, director of athletics and recreation at the University. "For individuals to take time out of their schedule to return to campus for this program is both a testament to the strong bonds formed through athletics, and the quality of the educational experience they had at Rochester." About 500 Rochester undergraduates compete in varsity and club sports.

This event is the first one of its kind sponsored by the Career Center. "Their common interest in sports presents an exceptional networking opportunity when searching for a full-time job," says Stacy J. Gallagher, public relations and program planner for the Career Center.

A networking breakfast and a series of panel discussions will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon in the Hillside Cafe on the first floor of Susan B. Anthony Halls. The program coincides with the last home game for seniors on the men's and women's basketball teams Saturday night.