The Littleton, Colorado school district's efforts to improve measurements of student achievement have made national news. Representatives from that district will give the keynote presentation at an educational conference October 1 at the University of Rochester.

The one-day conference on "Performance Assessment" will be from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Hubbell Auditorium, Hutchison Hall, on the University's River Campus. Following the keynote address, participants can attend workshops to gain a broader overview of assessment issues, or join an in-depth discussion of a single topic. Registration in advance is required; registrants should call 275-8270 or 275-7833. The fee is $25 per person.

"Finding better ways of measuring student learning is central to the education reform movement," said Professor Edwardine Weaver of the Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, which is presenting the conference. "As we change the ways we teach students, we also have to change the way we test them."

Weaver expects some 350 people to attend the conference, which is co-sponsored by the Genesee Valley Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, the Genesee Valley Developmental Learning Group, the Monroe County School Boards Association, the Nazareth College Education Department and The Rochester Area Reading Council. For more information, contact Weaver at (585) 275-7833.
