Paula Rutherford, international consultant and author, will speak on how to use data from state assessment tests to the advantage of classroom teachers on Wednesday, Oct. 4, on the University of Rochester's River Campus. The 10th annual Assessment Conference sponsored by the University's Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. in the May Room of Wilson Commons.

Following the talk, participants will have the opportunity to interact in work sessions about how they use assessment information and about ways to build on their experiences. Then Rutherford will make closing remarks based on feedback from the audience.

Rutherford is the president of Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge Inc., a Bloomington, Ind.-based consulting firm established in 1989, and the author of Instruction for All Students. She holds a bachelor's degree from Oklahoma University and a master of education degree from the University of North Florida.

To register, contact the Warner School's Office of Professional Development at (585) 275-8270. Registration is $40, $30 for full-time students. Special group rates are available as well as discounts for sponsoring groups. The registration deadline is Sept. 28.