Moving musical performances, colorful fashions, food, and body art are just some of the attractions that will be featured in the South Asian Expo, an interactive fair exhibiting the rich culture of South Asia. The event will be held from 2 to 6 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 20, in the May Room of Wilson Commons on the University of Rochester River Campus.

In addition to musical and dance performances throughout the day, informative booths will be set up, showcasing religions, regional geography of Asian countries, fashion, sports and recreation, history and politics, music, languages, and Mehndi, a type of art applied to the hand, for which there is a charge of $2.

The Expo is free and open to the public, but there will be a nominal charge for select appetizers sold by India Palace.

The event is sponsored by ADITI, the Association for the Development of Interest in the Indian Sub-Continent, a student organization at the University of Rochester. For more information, call (585) 274-3737 or (585) 274-3419.