Moments of silence, information sharing, and prayers for peace will take place tomorrow, Sept. 11, at the University of Rochester to remember those who died in the terrorist attacks two years ago.

At 8 a.m., the Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Officer Training Battalion in the College will stand in formation on the Fraternity Quadrangle on the River Campus. There will be a one-minute silent prayer in honor of those who died that day at the World Trade Center, in Washington, and in Pennsylvania.

From 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. tomorrow, the Interfaith Chapel's sanctuary will be open. Visitors may offer flowers, prayers, and written remembrances. At 5 p.m., there will be an interfaith prayer service for peace organized by the Religious Roundtable, a group of undergraduates who plan discussions and activities among people of different religious traditions. Following the service, people will be invited to compose their own prayers and add them to the Chapel Peace Pole.

On the front porch of Wilson Commons, several activities will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Representatives of the Rochester Fire Department and Police Department will make presentations about those who died during the attacks as well as those who assisted in efforts to help the victims. The Rochester Scottish Pipe Band will play music for the program, which is sponsored by Wilson Commons Student Activities and ARAMARK Dining Service.

Six University of Rochester graduates died during the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Four alumni were at the World Trade Center that day: Brendan Dolan '86, a broker; Aram Iskenderian '82, a section manager for a bond-trading company; Jeffrey R. Smith '87, '88S (MBA), an equity analyst for an investment banking firm; and Zhe "Zack" Zeng '95, '98S (MBA), who worked for the Bank of New York and went to the burning towers to assist people.

Two other alumni were on United Flight 93, which crashed in rural Pennsylvania after hijackers took control of the plane. They were Jean Hoadley Peterson '69N, who was traveling with her husband, Donald; and Jeremy Glick '93, who was on a business trip to California.