Three women students with distinguished records have been honored for their contributions to student life at the University of Rochester.

Marla Kim Babat, a senior from East Amherst, NY, majoring both in political science and in religion and classical studies, has received the Susan B. Anthony Prize for her role as a leader and for her commitment to a wide variety of campus activities and community service.

The Susan B. Anthony Scholarship has been awarded to Gwenda Robin Goldman of Rochester, NY, a junior majoring both in religion and classical studies and in art history.

Miss Anthony was a Rochester native and 19th-century crusader for women's rights who was influential in raising funds to allow the University to admit women students in 1900. The scholarship was established in 1978 with support from the University of Rochester Women's Club to provide financial aid to an outstanding student.

Sonia Vidala Rivera, a senior from Laurelton, NY, majoring in political science, received the Fannie R. Bigelow award. Established in 1947 by members of the Bigelow family, the award, which commemorates the work of Miss Bigelow, a friend of Miss Anthony, is given annually to a junior or a senior woman who has made an outstanding contribution to undergraduate life through her commitment to extracurricular activities.
