Caurie Anne Miner, who received a master's degree from the University's Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development this month, is a recipient of a Fulbright Grant.

The full grant, which will provide a stipend and will cover related costs such as room, board, and travel, will allow Miner to spend eight months in the Republic of Hungary starting in September. While in Hungary, she will teach American literature at Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest, work as an academic advisor, and join a research team studying gifted primary school children at the Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. All programs will be conducted in English.

Miner plans to pursue doctoral studies, and will choose from among American literature, language and literacy, or counseling psychology. She said the program in Hungary is ideal because it will give her "a great opportunity to experience all three."

Miner received her bachelor's degree in English and in history from the University in May 1997. A resident of Salem, N.Y., she was enrolled in the 3-2 Program, which permits students to earn an undergraduate degree and a professional master's degree in five years. Miner's master of science degree is in counseling and human development.

This is the second year in a row that graduates of the Warner School have received Fulbright awards. Amber Phung, of Brooklyn, N.Y., who graduated with a master's degree last May, studied at the National University of Singapore while researching cultural differences among victims of traumatic events.

The Fulbright program was established by Congress 50 years ago to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. It is named for its sponsor, the late U.S. Sen. J. William Fulbright.